in Design

The Unconventional Design In Building Websites

I think from every book about web design you’ll learn that a website should have a header, a footer a menu and an area for the content. Usually, the menu is in the left side or up after the header and the logo is near the left  corner. If you want to add a search bar, then you should place it in the upper right, below your social network  icons. Oh, and let’s not forget the most important pages: Home, About and Contact.

Sure, most of these rules are common sense but if we follow them very strictly, then our creativity will suffer. Experiment with colors, navigation or images. Don’t be afraid to use other fonts than Times New Roman and dare to  use clever punch lines. Even if your website has to be formal or extremely serious, you can defy the rules. Stop using the same idiotic stock images like those with the happy women with the hands free.

Exploring a website must be like an adventure, the visitor should feel like he is discovering new things so that’s why you must keep him focused. Design with interactivity in mind and create things which are adorable to use. Below you can see some examples of websites with unconventional designs.


Michelberger Hotel

Redirect Digital Marketing

Why Interactive Showreel


Tao Community Website

JWI Louvres

Hermetik Studio

Dotfusion Digital Agency

360° Langstrasse Zürich

Draw A Stickman

From the Rough


Alexander Zhestkov

DART St. Louis

Hanging up the moon


Tom, Dick & Harry

Itai Inselberg

Mr. Henry

The Reverend Danger




Bogdan is the founder of Top Design Magazine. You can find him in Bucharest-Romania so next time you want to drink a beer there and talk about web and stuff, give him a message.