Write For Us
Guest Posting is a really effective way to increase your online presence and subscribers and it also portrays you as a an expert in your niche.
The topics we are looking for are : Tutorials, Graphic Design, Web Design, Flash, Photoshop, Vectorial Graphics, Design Inspiration, Programming, Print Design, Design Resources, Photography or just a “Top 10 article” .
Here are some basic guidelines you need to follow:
● The article / tutorial must be original (it must not be published anywhere else).
● The article should have at least 600 words and 2 images.
● We do not accept articles that contain hidden advertising, affiliate marketing, content that constitutes copyright infringement (text, images, videos etc).
● If you are using sources of inspiration for your article please quote them.
● The topic of the article must be one of the ones mentioned above. See below for some examples.
● We are looking for high quality material.
● Images must be resized to a width of 600px. There’s no limit for the height.
● Images in the article must be web optimized and in one of the following formats : jpg, gif, png. Please include the images used in the article in an “images” folder inside the archive you send.
● If you are not sure, you can send a brief excerpt of the post via the contact form
How to write?
Please contact us with some background information on yourself, your blog and your writing experience and after that we will make you a contributor account. This basically means that your post will be published upon approval. Your posts will never be edited or changed in any way – if a post is not up to the quality we expect it may not be published however we will not edit the post at all. Any changes or modifications have to be done by the author.
Please note that we have very strict guidelines regarding quality, grammar and spelling.
Why should I guest post at Top Design Magazine?
With more than 500.000 unique visitors/month, Top Design Magazine can help you increase your online presence. Our readers consists of influential bloggers, web designers, web developers, graphic artists, photographers and many others. You will get full credit for the post, an author page with a bio and your website will also be linked on every post you make.