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Sunday Freebies
Writen by Anamaria+ / Comments Off on Sunday Freebies
Freebies! The single best fitted word for the title: ‘Universally understandable.”. At least to my mind and I am in such a disposition that makes me inclined to defer momentarily to my very own brand of wisdom. Right, as I was saying: Freebies!. By this I mean that I have decided to offer you guys a treat today and show you some of the more interesting stuff that I’ve come across in my many wonderings through the Internet.
First off, Flat UI Colors.
Why? Well, mostly because I find this particular website very soothing for my nerves, with all the pretty colours and the nice, clear cut rectangles. As a bonus, it’s rather useful for all you web designer-types because once you click on a colour its code is automatically copied for you to paste into your code straight away.
Next, for your good deed of the day, Hopely.
Why? If you spend your fair share of amount on Twitter or if you’re in the habit of sharing links with others, try using once in a while. This web service is sponsored by the popular but it comes with a twist due to its partnership with the American Red Cross. What this means is that whenever someone navigates to a website shortened through, they’ll have a small message on the top of their screen encouraging them to make a donation to The Red Cross.
Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-banana: Minions in CSS.
Why? Well…because Minions. Now, I will admit that I haven’t discovered this website all on my lonesome and that I did have some help from one of the web developer/designer communities I gravitate around, but, come on, they’re adorable, ready to use and definitely performance-friendly.
For all Potterheads (guilty): The James Potter Project.
Why? Well, it’s quite simple, I’m a Potterhead and I imagine there are a few like-minded individuals amongst you. The James Potter Project is a fan-fiction, but in my humble opinion one of the best out there. The book centers around James, Sirius, Lupin and Peter, it’s fast paced, funny and available for download in a variety of formats. (did I mention it’s free?)
Looking for a view?
Why? Because there are some places in the world where you’re not likely to go anytime soon but to which you’d sometimes like to escape. This is where this air-view website might come in handy. Take a few minutes a day to immerse yourself in someplace that isn’t here.
I found this place just today on reddit: Diane Goes For You.
Why? Because this website chronicles the adventures (how cool is it that I can use adventures in a description and be completely justified) of Diane as she travels to unknown destinations about which people have questions and happily answers them as best as she can.
For the more artistically inclined of us: Weave Silk.
Why? This website lets you exercit your full artistical chops by creating beautiful imagery with a minimum amount of effort. Sure, you’re bound to get a bit crazy the first time around and turn up images that will make psychadelic rock fans take a step back and say, ‚whoa, too much’, but once you get the hang of things you’re sure to create amazing art and relax at the same time.
Without further ado: xkcd.
Why? For a number of reasons. First, because it holds the single most romantic statement/action that has spoken to me on a geek level so far unmatched (see picture above). Second because it has everything it promises (romance, sarcasm, math and language). And third because there is no humanly acceptable way in which you could ever get bored while browsing this website.
Next up: Wumo.
Why? Because nothing is sacred to these guys. Sure, their name is a mouthfull (when I found out about them they were still called Wulffmorgenthaler) and their website’s address has changed over the years, but trust me, if you’re in the need of a good, unapologetic and ungodly laugh, they are in good supply here.
So this is what I’ve gathered up, what about you guys, do you have some freebies to share with the rest of us?