in Photography
Learn How To Create Better Photos By Reading These Extremely Useful Tutorials
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Nowadays is extremely easy to take a photo, either with your phone or with a camera. I mean it’s enough to set it on Auto and then all you need to do is to zoom and shoot. Depending on the camera, the photo can be awful, decent, great or anything in between, so if you just took a picture of something and you discover later on that it’s not so great, then you can use some tricks in order to enhance it. With these cool tutorials you’ll learn how to apply a focus to an already made photo, how to correct the white balance, how to remove the red-eye problem and more. Also, you have some very useful articles and tutorials that you can apply before making the photo, such as how to use the low-key lighting or how to make great photos in the dark.
This collection of photo tutorials is very useful especially if you are a beginer, so take your time and read them because you’ll thank yourself later on when you’ll need them.
Photo Color Correction for the Amateur Photographer
Follow this step by step walk-through of my editing process to see how I transformed my basic photos into bright and crisp profile shots.
Getting to Know Your Flash
When shooting with a hotshoe flash, there are are some common questions. How should I adjust the settings on my flash? How will the manual and TTL modes affect my images? What is flash sync, and more importantly what is first curtain sync and second curtain sync? Where should I point my flash? What is flash zoom? All these questions and more will be answered in this tutorial.
Everything to Get you Started with Macro Photography
Macro photography (sometimes called micro photography) is an area of photography dedicated to capturing small subjects, or small parts of subjects, at extreme blown up magnifications up to life size or larger. This means that a photographed subject would appear on the sensor at its same actual size in reality.
Creating Focus on a Photo
In this tutorial the author will show you how to create the focus on individual items on a photo. Usually, this effect can be done with a photo camera. But what if the focus needs to be done already on the finished photo?
Understanding & Using Ansel Adam’s Zone System
The Zone System is a technique that was formulated by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer back in the 1930’s. It is an approach to a standardized way of working that guarantees a correct exposure in every situation, even in the trickiest lighting conditions such as back lighting, extreme difference between light and shadow areas of a scene, and many similar conditions that are most likely going to throw off your camera’s metering giving you a completely incorrect exposure.
Correcting and Preventing Chromatic Aberration
When examining their photos closely, almost every photographer has come across a situation in which a colored halo (usually purple, green or red) is apparent around certain elements of a scene. This sort of optic anomaly, more commonly known as color fringing, is known as chromatic aberration. In this article we’ll understand its causes and learn ways to easily avoid it both while shooting and in post-production.
10 Top Photography Composition Rules
It may sound clichéd, but the only rule in photography is that there are no rules. However, there are are number of established composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene.
Understanding White Balance
If you come from the world of films, you may remember using filters to correct for incandescent or fluorescent lighting. Most people don’t bother and their indoors pictures invariably come out with a yellow/orange or bluish cast. In the digital world, these correction filters are no longer necessary, replaced by a feature found in most — even the entry-level — digital cameras called, “White Balance.”
Remove Eyeglass Reflections
No matter how diligent you are about eliminating reflections on eyeglasses while shooting, sometimes a stray highlight still sneaks through. This is especially true if you’re shooting with a large softbox or window light, and even more probable if your subject is wearing Coke-bottle lenses.
Photography Basics
Ever wonder what it is that actually makes a camera work? This tutorial will cover the inner workings of a camera, and introduce you into photography basics and the expansive world of taking better photographs. To take beautiful photographs you do not need an expensive camera and a bag full of equipment. What is important is the photographer’s ability to see his/her surrounding and use knowledge and personal feel for the subject.
7 Tips for Great Photos in the Dark
Follow these seven helpful tips to improve your night photographs.
How to make the most of the ultimate go-everywhere pocket camera
The day has come. I refused to believe for the longest time that I’d ever write about using a telephone in lieu of a “real” camera, but if there’s anything the internet has taught us it’s that not only is the best camera the one you’ve always got with you, but in fact the camera in the iPhone is capable of doing things digital cameras couldn’t do as recently as a decade ago. I’d never suggest you forego a “real” camera in favor of a camera phone, but the simple fact remains true: lots of folks carry iPhones almost everywhere they go, and lots of folks like using them for making pictures. So why not put in a little effort and make those pictures great? Here’s how to harness the power of your iPhone as a camera.
Photographing Young Children with Low-Key Lighting – Tutorial
There is no doubt that photographing young children can be a challenge, and never more so than when using a low-key lighting setup. So why bother? Because the drama and richness inherent in this type of lighting is SO worth it and because it’s unexpected for high energy children’s photography. For the purposes of this post, young and active will be defined as children between the ages of one and four (toddlers).
The Complete Guide For Photographing Live Insects At Home
I started toying around with insect macro photography about 18 months ago. And to be honest, those first few months produced some amazingly bad photographs. But as scientists say, there is no such thing as a failed experiment – as long as it yields data. Well, I’ve managed to amass quite a lot of “data”. And I am grateful that I am able to share some of that knowledge with the DIY community.
Underwater Macro Photography
Taking great macro underwater photos starts with research. Where can I find good subjects? What dive sites and what depths are they at? Do searches on the internet, ask divers who have been there before. If possible, use a guide who specialized in macro subjects. Next, look at photos that have been taken at these locations. What subjects are producing the best photographs, which backgrounds and compositions look the best, what can you improve on. Try to previsualize the shots you would like to get, image how the light should fall on your subject, whether the background will be blurred or in focus. Based on your research, and imagined shots, decide on which lens or lenses to take on your dives.
High Speed Photography at Home
How to take photos like the one you are seeing here. It’s a glass of Champagne, being shot with a BB gun.
Create Your Own Bokeh for Beautiful Photo Effects
What’s a bokeh you say? It’s that oh-so-wonderful fuzziness in the background of photographs with a shallow depth of field and accompanying starry highlights. You can create you own bokeh effects with a little craftiness.
Photographing Complex Architecture
Photographer Philipp Klinger gives his advice on capturing elaborate structures.
Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial
When choosing a photograph for the tilt-shift effect, bear in mind that you want to give the impression of a miniature model. Miniature models are usually viewed from above so try and choose a photo with an elevated viewpoint. Buildings, roads, traffic and railways are excellent choices but make sure there is a reasonable wide angle of view.
Intuitive B&W Conversions
Try this simple step-by-step process for making beautiful monochrome images.