in Design

35 Eco Friendly Package Designs

Nowadays more and more people are concerned about environmental protection. Electric cars have become a reality, renewable energy sources are increasingly used and deforestation is more closely monitored.

Packaging industry  is one of the main causes of pollution because often packages are not biodegradable or even worse, once left to nature, they release hazardous substances.

Industry leaders like Apple or Puma  have adopted an eco-friendly policy, they radically changed the packaging of their products. We have a long way until all manufacturers will stop using plastic or paints that are not water based but slowly, we can see changes.

Below you can see 35 examples of eco-friendly package designs and concepts.


Bogdan is the founder of Top Design Magazine. You can find him in Bucharest-Romania so next time you want to drink a beer there and talk about web and stuff, give him a message.