in Design

30 Very Creative Web Design Examples

Creating a website requires not only skills but also creativity because it’s useless if you use the latest and coolest techniques but your design sucks. Creating a good design and implementing a good usability requires a lot of thinking and sometimes consumer studies because you need to put yourself in the viewer’s position. In this article you have 30 creative web design examples that show exactly what I said.

Lawler Ballard Van Durand

Arun Kumar

Made by Vadim

Pure Pleasure Design

CSS Piffle

Marco Rosella

Ted Baker


Flint Boutique

Rally Interactive

WWF Food Story

Trailer Park Truck

Air Jordan 2012

The License Lab


Kinetic V5

Moment Skis

The Bullitt Agency


Wing Cheng



matt webb


sari & nanda


la gallina che fuma

bilder bier butterbrot

regard marine


Bogdan is the founder of Top Design Magazine. You can find him in Bucharest-Romania so next time you want to drink a beer there and talk about web and stuff, give him a message.