in Design

30 Superb Print Design Examples

Creating a print is not an easy job. First of all you need to come up with a good idea, then you must carefully choose a color palette and a suitable font. After that, when the printing process comes, there’s a very complex work especially if is a printing press. To make an idea, below you can read an excerpt from wikipedia:

A printing press, in its classical form, is a standing mechanism, ranging from 5 to 7 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 7 feet tall. Type arranged into pages is placed in a frame to make a forme, which itself is placed onto a flat stone or ‘bed’. The type is inked, and the paper is held between a frisket and tympan (two frames covered with paper or parchment). These are folded down, so that the paper lies on the surface of the inked type. The bed is rolled under the platen, using a windlass mechanism, and the impression is made with a screw that transmits pressure through the platen. Then the screw is reversed, the windlass turned again to move the bed back to its original position, the tympan and frisket raised and opened, and the printed sheet removed. Such presses were always worked by hand.

In this article you can see some great examples of good printing design.

Autentika Corporate Identity

Creative Truths

What’s under your Mask?

Flux Gallery show


Effektive CV/Poster Mailer

The Jazz 09 Journal

Global Humanitarian Assistance


Computer Arts Projects Covers

Hyperactivitypography from A to Z

New York Public Library Poster

 2011 An Apple A Day letterpress calendar

Minusa posters



Bogdan is the founder of Top Design Magazine. You can find him in Bucharest-Romania so next time you want to drink a beer there and talk about web and stuff, give him a message.