in Design

25 Amazing Portfolio Websites to Inspire You

Most of my friends are web designers or developers and most of them have created their very own portfolio websites where they display their skills first through the design of the website itself, then through links to their previous works.

Having an online portfolio and keeping it updated is vital for all professionals, it is by no means limited to those who work in web design and development. Earlier this year, Forbes published an article that showed the fact that 56% of all hiring managers look at online portfolios with more interest than at any other means of promoting one’s self. Again, an online portfolio isn’t something that only those in search for a job should consider, everyone who offers any kind of service that can be illustrated in a visual way should get their portfolio out there ay-sap. Why? Here’s some of the reasons I could muster up:

1. Organization

Making an online portfolio will force you to get all of your work in one place and organize it in one way or another. Just taking every project you’ve ever worked on and throwing it into the mix on your website is a perfect example of who not to go about it. Ideally, you should be able to sift through your previous projects and pick out only the ones you’re most proud of. Also, try to include a diverse selection of your work, don’t just put up 5 examples of different sites that basically boil down to the same thing, it’s not helpful in any way.

2. Visibility

Everyone is on the Internet nowadays and by putting your work out there for all to see you will dramatically increase your chances to find new clients. There’s a joke going round social circles that says you don’t exist if you’re not on one or all of the following: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and others. Whatever the consequences of increased interactions via the Internet and decreased actual interactions, the fact that a presence online is vital cannot be overlooked anymore. This goes for businesses and free-lancers as well, it matters little how talented and skilled you actually are as long as your potential future clients have no way of seeing your work for themselves.

3. Added value

Remember, this is your portfolio, you’re the one who gets to choose what goes on it and what doesn’t. You can upload personal projects as well as ones you were paid for, you can include satisfied customer testimonials, you can add competitions you partook in and diplomas you’ve gotten. Really, the possibilities in which you can market yourself are endless. All you need is a little initiative, imagination and determination.

4. Reflection

Your portfolio can help you keep track of your own professional growth, remember the organizational aspect I’ve mentioned earlier? Well, it can go beyond the way you arrange your work, you can keep track of your goals, make sure the skills you advertise are always up to date and stay focused on the goals you’ve set yourself.

Now, before you go off to start creating your own portfolio, here’s our selection of some of the best portfolio websites we’ve found.



























I read, I write, I sleep.