in Design

20 Examples of One Page Websites That Are Using Parallax Scrolling

There are many interesting types of website, and one of them is the parallax technique, also known as parallax scrolling. Parallax scrolling is a special scrolling technique in computer graphics, wherein background images move by the camera slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth in a 2D video game and adding to the immersion. Parallax scrolling effects can have a strong visual impact, especially when combined with some form of story which takes you on a journey. Below you can see 20 examples of websites that are based on the parallax scrolling technique.

MBA Multimedia

Cloud Experience



 Heat Pump Dryers

Barcamp Omaha 2012

Gatwick Express Tracks

LRG Clothing Life Colors

Premio SIM

Samsung Connected Devices

 Ford Foundation Annual Report

Ivan McClellan


 The Next 3

Sweete Stevia


 LQDI t.image



 Range Rover Evoque


Orkin: The Pest Project

 Air Jordan 2012



Bogdan is the founder of Top Design Magazine. You can find him in Bucharest-Romania so next time you want to drink a beer there and talk about web and stuff, give him a message.