in Design

15 Impressive Infographics

Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly,[1] such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. With an information graphic, computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information. Today information graphics surround us in the media, in published works both pedestrian and scientific, in road signs and manuals. They illustrate information that would be unwieldy in text form, and act as a visual shorthand for everyday concepts such as stop and go. In this article I have collected 15 very interesting infographics that I whant to share with you. My favorite one is the one with the hacker’s attack.

Client Infographic: How Affiliate Marketing Works

Microsoft Acquisitions Subway Map

Apple Approves 500,000 Apps

The Apple Field Guide

Visualizing a Security Attack on a VOIP Honeypot Server

The movie shows a real cyber attack on a honeypot VOIP server extension. Now, it is one thing is to look at some amazing meaningful moving imagery, it is another is to fully comprehend it.

Dribbble Explained

Jamie Brightmore, creative designer based in the Cotswolds, UK created this interactive infographic to explain the concept and lingo behind Dribbble. While the used visualization methods may not be the best suited to communicate the “data”, Jamie uses HTML5 and CSS3 to make the visual interactive and explores the possibilities of these new techniques.

A History of Poverty

The Christian Aid ‘History of Poverty’  is a quite sophisticated and 3D-esque world map that reveals the development of countries over the last few hundred years in terms of poverty. An annotated timeline provides some interaction possibilities with the data

Placebook: How Facebook Users Are Distributed around the World

Placebook aims to provide a visual overview on how Facebook users are distributed around the world. As a unique feature, any Facebook users can log into the system, in order to receive a map and all relational statistics about their own personal friend network.

Should You Work for Free?

Jessica Hische has created this lovely flowchart that makes it easier for creatives to decide whether they should work for free or not. As you may have guessed, the answer is “No” for most cases but there are some exceptions to this rule.

Inspirational Vintage Infographics

BibliOdyssey has put together a fantastic collection of vintage Victorian Infographics. All illustrations are collected from books like Mitchell’s New General Atlas or General Atlas Of The World from the time between 1830 to 1890. The visualizations are great examples of how abstract representation let’s a viewer grasp quantities that are hard to imagine.

The Role of Colors in Culture: the Interactive Version

The infographic representing the meanings of different colors in different cultures by David McCandless.

The 50 Most Popular Typefaces in the World

Typefaces of the World was a poster I created to show the typefaces that are most commonly used in a lot of today’s design. The poster includes information for each typefaces such as the year it was made, the location and the typographer. These 50 typefaces were chosen based on popularity and usefulness in present design. It was by mere coincidence that the typefaces were nearly split 50/50 between Europe and the United States—the most prominent locations for typographers were in these areas.

Infographic Wine Packaging


Social Memories: an Infographic Book of your Facebook Activity

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tangible record of your social networking activities? Let’s say a collection of your most awkward photos, hilarious rants and embarrassing events that you could share many years from now with your grandchildren.

Social Memories [] is a new Facebook app for those fans of personal infographics and Nicholas Felton-style annual reports. The book is automatically generated from your Facebook data, and includes, next to the obvious photos and status updates, various infographic illustrations of the meaning, relations and priorities in your online social behavior.

Visualizing 38 Million Deaths from 25 Conflicts as… World Cuisine

“Ten casualties. Ten million casualties. Our understanding of conflicts is often nothing more than a handful of digits, the more precise, the less meaningful. The anchor’s tone remains the same when talking about major wars or isolated outbursts of violence. The horror lays hidden beneath the rigidity of numbers. Figures give us knowledge, not meaning.  We wanted to put a picture on these digits. A shocking, gory picture, like the reality of war. We wanted to give context, like a scale on which we could visualize each conflict next to the others.” (The authors)



Bogdan is the founder of Top Design Magazine. You can find him in Bucharest-Romania so next time you want to drink a beer there and talk about web and stuff, give him a message.